Am I Depressed?

Depression is thought to affect between 8-12% of the population of Great Britain each year. That's a lot of people. Depression ranges in severity from simply feeling down and listless (mild depression) to find it almost impossible to get through daily life (severe depression). The symptoms of depression can include sadness, low mood, lethargy, a loss of enthusiasm about life, sex and relationships, possible suicidal thoughts, difficulty sleeping, numbness, restlessness, and many more. You can find more information about the symptoms of depression on websites such as

In addition, anxiety can also commonly be something that can affect those who are depressed. This can make life even more difficult.

The NHS offer helpful information and guidance about depression on its website. You can view some of this information by clicking on this link.

If you feel that you might be suffering from depression, and are experiencing difficult symptoms for most of the day for more than 14 days, then speak to your G.P. and ask them to assess you. Talking therapy is often recommended for moderate to severe depression.


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